"There is an energy in the house that will latch onto you and not let go.
Haunted, fascinating and I need to experience more..."
When we first pulled up, we didn’t know what to expect. Our team primarily does residential investigations and this was our first trip to a well known spot. The house tapped on our shoulder about 10 minutes after we got there - I mean that literally. Someone tapped my shoulder and a little girl giggled and called me down the hall- and kept our attention the entire night! We were even serenaded to wild west old time piano music and stomping at 430 am. Haunted Hill House has become one of our favorite places. We have been there multiple times and each time is so different from delightful children to disembodied voices, it never disappoints.
Hello, my name is Dillon Farrell and I run the paranormal group MP_Paranormal. My team and I have visited Haunted Hill House 30+ times in the past two years and have experienced more paranormal activity than some investigators get in 20 years. Hill House is the most intensely haunted location I have ever been through from audible voices, demonic growls, hisses, physical attacks, mental attacks, light anomalies, mists, shadow figures, poltergeist, footsteps, banging, phantom running, clawing sounds across walls and the list goes on. We've experienced more than the wildest mind could entertain and every time I go back the house doesn't disappoint. Hill House is my second home
The Haunted Hill House never fails to deliver when it comes to activity. Every time it is different. I've had many interactions with different spirits in the house. I have heard growling, coughing and knocking, and they love playing with the equipment. Make sure you bring extra batteries because some nights the action never ends.
I have been to the Hill House several times, and each time, I am not disappointed. The house itself has such history and uniqueness that you cannot help but to be drawn in by all the oddities and haunted objects within its walls. Katherine and Sonny have done a great job on making this house all about the “experience”. So, if you truly are interested in the paranormal and having your own experience, then I can highly recommend the Haunted Hill House.
The Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells TX caught our attention from the moment we saw it. There’s so much history and layers to this location we will always look forward to going back. This is one of those locations you will investigate for a lifetime to try and find answers and the search for the truth. The energy and presence is so strong as a paranormal navigator we could not help but feel a connection and deep sense of understanding and compassion to the spirits at this location. There are many types of residual and intelligent energy from what we have found. The Haunted Hill House should be investigated at least once by every paranormal investigator. And if you are interested in haunted locations and are not an investigator there are haunted tours you can go to as this is a once in a lifetime experience. We plan to investigate at least twice a year at this location this is how much of an impact we have experienced.
Hill House is one of the best paranormal experiences I and my crew has had. My wife and I teach teens paranormal research through electronic measures. After watching other investigators have such harsh experiences, Hill House is usually calm with my crew. We don’t get the scary variety of investigating as we hunt, but find a multitude of all classes of EVPs during footage review. We’ve seen many clips of terrifying actions and comically scared reactions to Hill House’s otherworldly residents, but we have only had positive experiences. Not only do the Estes treat us like family, but the paranormal residents are kind to our kiddos, too. Joshua, by the way, LOVES prat falls, as we discussed how he would react to one of our troops falling on his butt (from a rather creaky chair). Each time the chair creaked or popped, I would comment about our kiddo about to splat on the floor, and our K2 meter would light up to the red over and over again. He was also rather shy around one of gals… I’ll have this footage clipped and on our Facebook page and website as soon as I can.
The most haunted site of all the haunted places you have or will ever visit!
Every type of haunting is happening there, even demonic activity. This is the real deal folks.
Teal Gray Rev. N.D.
Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas is, by far, THE MOST HAUNTED location I have ever investigated. I have been scratched, grabbed (left a burning/red mark), and touched while in the house- at least one of these has happened every time I've been there. Some of the most compelling evidence I have gathered has been at this location- from full-bodied apparitions to EVPs, this place is always active. It will grab ahold of you and never let go- be prepared for the investigation of a lifetime and for the desire to return over and over.
The Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX is what nightmares are made of. If you are simply looking for an average haunted house, then keep on searching. Look no more if you are looking for the most terrifying haunted house in Texas. The Haunted Hill House is the most haunted location JAKS Paranormal has ever investigated. JAKS Paranormal caught over 30 different EVPS and we are not talking about one or two words we are talking entire sentences: class A intelligent EVPS. If you’re wanting shadow figures the Haunted Hill House has them. You can always do like we did and turn off all equipment and listen to the spirits in their own voices. Yes, you can literally hear the spirits without any equipment. If there is a such thing as a portal to hell this, is it. Listen to spirits hiss at you as you walk around the corner. Keep in mind if you are not a paranormal enthusiast and just want to check it out The Haunted Hill House has everything you need to do an investigation with. The staff is very friendly, and they will walk you through how to use the equipment. If you are brave enough then JAKS Paranormal recommends you book your adventure now. JAKS Paranormal rates the Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, TX 5 out of 5 stars.
I am the founder and creator of Cheyenne Paranormal formed in 2008 and based in Conroe Texas. My team did an overnight investigation of Haunted Hill house July 13,2019 We had a very unique and wonderful experience upstairs where I had a ball completely lifted and levitated from my hand and shoot across the room, everyone in my team visually witnessed this . We also were able to capture a male spirit directly communicating with us through EVP and after we all had went to bed that night I was awoken by the voice of a young male child that was in the room . One of my team mates was physically touched, and photographic evidence showed what appeared to be a demonic being standing beside her. It is my personal and professional opinion that Haunted Hill House is in fact one of the most active and genuinely haunted places in the United States. Andee Cheyenne Cheyenne Paranormal
The house never disappoints. It's alive with memories and interactions, some rather unsettling. Reminds me of an onion with many layers to peel open.. Martha Hazzard Decker
Using my quadralator, my super biggies were: - anomalies in the Living room -- specifically between the wall with the mirror and the coffee table. This was BEFORE you told me you thought the mirror was a portal. - anomalies in the scratcher room - between the fireplace and the poker table. This was months before you identified that the well was in that very space. Oddly, Joshua's room (back left) was largely stable. Since that was where the lady got yanked off the bed - I expected something there. I slept there all week and... nada. I wish my quadralator was more portable - so I could have tested all the rooms. Now... that is what I would like to say for the requested blurb - but I just cannot get it down to 25 words. I am a wordy mofo...
Our team, Dark Night Paranormal Texas, has had a wide variety of experiences. Our most notable experience was when one of our team psychics, Ashley C., was taken over by a spirit and we not only captured the change in her personality and voice on video, we were able to correlate at the same time using the SLS camera. We have captured on video/SLS an entity we believe is Willy, attack one of our really tall team members. We have heard an old man with a smoker’s cough, coughing in Scratcher Room when everyone else was upstairs, while having an EVP session with the rocking horse doll, she would go off (eyes light up) every time a question was asked about a certain subject. I personally have been screamed at by Toby and audibly heard growling in my ear and when reviewing the video clearly heard “GET OUT!” I have been scratched, another of our psychic team members, Jen, had to physically leave the house to stop the reaction she was having to the entities. We have heard children laughing and playing, spirits playing with our Frog REMpod, and TONS of orbs!!!! We are currently working on uploading all of our video/audio evidence to our YouTube page (Dark Night Paranormal Texas) and are looking forward to more experiences at Haunted Hill House!
Thank you Sonny and Katherine for an amazing experience both times at your Hunted Victorian Era Home "The Haunted Hill House". The introduction tour of the home was thought out very well, and couldn't of been done better.
As a person who investigates frequently. I appreciated the history of the home going through each room of the house spending time talking about each section, and what to expect. Each room is unique to the spirits that occupy it. Highlight for me was having the chance playing blackjack with a spirit in the scratcher room next to the hidden well with about 4 living spirits and 2 afterlife spirits. Using our SB7 and ghost box made it very entertaining. Probably one of the most unique things you will experience here at the Haunted Hill House that most likely you won't find anywhere else. Everyone was extremely kind, courteous, and informative. The price you pay for this experience was beyond reasonable, and the house has all kinds of paranormal investigation equipment you can try out while you do your investigations. This home is extremely active. At any time you can go through the 20 camera's located throughout the house to go back and look at footage. This place is the real deal and not for the faint hearted. Yes, it's a lot of fun. Don't take the house for granted. The home will humble you really quick if it wants to play with you, or send you out running. There's friendly entities, and there's evil entities. Definitely need to take it seriously and respectfully when investigating in the spirits home. Yes, they says it's their house and no one is allowed to live there. They will haunt you out of it. Highly recommended to do the overnight tour from 8pm to 9am. Can you make it 13 hours in a real haunted house with 3 portals?
Hill House is the most haunted location that I have been to so far. There is always something new every time that I have been there. Kathy and Sonny are great hosts and great about explaining how all the equipment works. If you ever have a chance make sure to check it out!!
As a seasoned investigator one of the unique features of the Hill House is that you never have the same investigation twice. The property is actively varied that the experiences you have during one investigation very rarely resemble the experiences of another, It's as if the property shows different personalities every time a new investigation starts.
When we first pulled up, we didn’t know what to expect. Our team primarily does residential investigations and this was our first trip to a well known spot. The house tapped on our shoulder about 10 minutes after we got there - I mean that literally. Someone tapped my shoulder and a little girl giggled and called me down the hall- and kept our attention the entire night! We were even serenaded to wild west old time piano music and stomping at 430 am. Haunted Hill House has become one of our favorite places. We have been there multiple times and each time is so different from delightful children to disembodied voices, it never disappoints.
Hillhouse is amazing. If you are an investigator or a non-believer you must come stay the night and and give this place a chance, I promise you won't be disappointed. I have been touched I've had the kids try to take my phone out of my back pocket, I've seen them move a potato chip bag and throw it on the floor.. The spirit children of Hill House call me Mama Julie. Sonny and Kathy has amazing Ghost equipment to use .. Kathy knows all about the house and is a wonderful speaker. I love this place
Haunted Hill House is by far the most unique places I've ever been it never disappoints. When I first started visiting haunted Hill House I was a skeptic but QUICKLY changed. From hearing disembodied voices, growling, hissing, being grabbed, items thrown or moved, seen shadows, apparitions etc. Since then the house has been in a popped up in my dreams as if it's calling for me. When they say if the walls could talk. Well at Haunted Hill House the house talks to you. If you want an exhilarating experience visit the MOST HAUNTED HOUSE in TEXAS! The house is waiting for you!